Saturday, 12 May 2012

Fridge magnet wisdom

True love, by fridge magnet navigation.

The more you narrow the focus of your attention, the more clarity you will have for your target. Be the Love Sniper.

To truly hear a voice, you must first cut out the noise that surrounds it. That includes your own inner voice by the way. Several years ago I decided that an increased action plan for physical fitness was appropriate, as being a motorcycle racer gets more challenging with both every birthday over the optimum age of thirty and each teenage whippersnapper that wants to try his luck against me on the racetrack. But the increase in physical health from working out was being compromised by an unforeseen downside. You see, the gym of which I’m a member certainly doesn’t share my personal taste in music. Not only that, but they play their duff musical offerings rather loudly, so whilst I was there I had to combat this by turning the volume up to maximum on my i-pod in order to cancel out the background noise and listen to my own tunes. It wasn’t long before I noticed that I was not only leaving the gym with glowing muscles, but also ringing ears. The increase in fitness was sadly being offset by the damage I was doing to my hearing whilst I was there. The solution turned out to be quite a simple (if somewhat expensive) one. I contacted a company who specialise in earplugs for orchestra conductors who then took moulds of my ears and manufactured some bespoke plugs that had ‘monitors’ (miniature ultra-high clarity speakers) inside. The result was that, as I was insulated from the club’s duff tunes, I could lower the volume of my own music to an acceptable level and still hear it with pinpoint clarity.

I had cut out the background noise.

The way in which this applies to finding the man of your dreams is that, although you may feel you would just be happy with any reasonable man that doesn’t take you for granted or just appreciates you for who you are, (things I hear form my one-on-one clients all the time, click here to find out more) I think we both know that deep down inside that that’s not really what you crave, now is it?

Every single one of us on this spinning dirtball we call earth has an idea of who our perfect partner is, what they might wear, where they may take us and what kinds of friends they have. Do they like Sushi, salsa, swinging or Karaoke? Denim shorts, posh frocks, L.A. or Thailand? London clubs, country pubs, holidays to Ibiza, Canada, India or Crete? Are they blonde, brunette, black, white, bald or punk? Fat, slim, short, tall, muscular or cuddly? Are they rich, poor, visionary, eco or simply content to be who they are? Round-faced, long-faced, chiselled or dorky? Tattoos and piercings or Brogues and a tie? City boy, fly boy, dealer, shopkeeper, office boy or dreamer? Ferrari, truck, camper-van, company car or bike? Voodoo, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, atheist or Jew?

The list is endless, and so are your options. But unless you become specific in what kind of man you are looking for, chances are you’ll end up with somebody that’s not quite right. It’s like saying that you’ll eat anything, but when served up a plate of battered cockroaches, you all of a sudden find that you’ve lost your appetite. This may be an acceptable meal to some people, but maybe for you it’s simply that you haven’t been specific enough in what you’ve ordered. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not going to recommend you just trust in some ‘Secret’ thing that once you order what you want from the Universe then it’s going to provide a constant stream of hot men to your door without you doing anything other than ‘believing it’s going to happen’, but you have to get both realistic and precise in what you are looking for in a man. I say realistic, only to add a slice of reality to your quest. I once had a student that was so obsessed with George Clooney that she wouldn’t compromise at all. The only thing she wanted to know was what contacts I had that may be able to get a personal introduction to him. So far as I know, she still lives in Sutton and is yet to meet him, despite the thirty or so eligible men I introduced her to, but I digress.

The idea of this tip is to fine tune your ‘perceptual filters’ to notice what you are really looking for and disregard that which is inappropriate for you. There is a section in one of my books (Mr Right) that explains ‘perceptual filters’ in greater depth and how we often can’t see the clues and obvious signals that are around us every day so I’d recommend you read it now (, but until you do, here’s a quick example of how they work:

Go into another room in your house (or shop if you’re in Starbucks, you get the idea) and notice all the items in that room that are red. Go on, do it now and don’t read any further until you’ve done it, then come back and read on.

Okay, with all the red items now prominent in your mind, I want you to write a list of all the green items that were in that room. Not so easy is it? Well that’s because your perceptual filters have deleted most of the information about other coloured objects from your mind as you gave it the specific instruction to sort only for red items. This is a natural process that happens inside of your head all day, every day. Have you ever had a boyfriend with a certain type of car and as soon as you split up with him, all you can see is his type of car everywhere? Did you ever notice them before you went out with him? I didn’t think so.

So if this is how filters work, surely you can use them to your advantage by training your brain to notice the aspects of the men you find attractive and therefore zoom in on that type of man like a laser beam. I’ve tried it with some of my 1:1 students and it really works fantastically, so why not give it a go.

Let’s begin by performing one simple task: Take a pen and just randomly list as many words you can think of that you can associate with your perfect partner. Next, when you have at least fifty, yes at least fifty, narrow them down to your own personal top ten. These top ten aspects you need to write on your refrigerator door, be it with those magnetic letters or post-it-notes, whatever best gets the message across. Next, the remaining forty need to be individually cut up into single word prompts and taped to the items you come into contact with every day like your lip-gloss, coffee jar, hairbrush, or mirror. Leave them there for exactly a week, (just 7 days, no longer, no shorter). This will teach your unconscious mind to notice more of the people around you that have these traits or features. You are literally training your brain to sort for the specific type of man you find attractive whilst relegating the less attractive ones to the background. This is a powerful exercise because it forces the mind to focus on what is important to you and delete the rest as background noise.

The man of your dreams is rarely only 7 days away (but you just might meet him tomorrow, remember that, it’s important) so repeat this exercise on the first day of every month. You’ll also notice after a couple of goes that your list becomes far more defined and accurate for what you really want from your man. But remember, this is a ‘wish list’ to guide you, not a rigid set of rules he must conform to, so as you learn to narrow your focus, remember to keep your options well and truly wide open ;o)

So until next month, go out, have fun and keep that fabulous smile of yours beaming!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, thank you for your great post. .It is interesting and helpful. Good luck with it!!!
    Fridge Magnet
